
You have the divine blueprint within you to be a Purpose Driven Millionaire.

What you may not know (or remember in this moment) is that you have unique gifts to share in your business that haven’t existed thus far. Your Highest Mission and Highest Vision are called to step forward to elevate consciousness.

You started your business to transform lives, deliver stellar impact and to allow and hold lots of money by being a leader, entrepreneur, professional, and mentor in your chosen field.

You are aware that the outdated way of “doing business” just doesn't create the results that you and your clients want and to make a massive difference in business you have to “BE the energy of your business”.

Just imagine...

Money BE-ing Your Birthright

Being clear on your Highest Mission to effortlessly create a 7 figure business by tapping into your Higher Truth, Higher Heart, and Higher Wisdom.

Having an overflow of Highest Level Clients who reach out to you because your courses, programs, products and services are a vibrational match and perfectly aligned to who you really are.

BE-ing able to expand your energy to receive $50k-100k+ each month because you choose not to dilute your message. BE-ing purely visible and fully potent in delivering optimum results and outcomes for your premium clients.

Attuning to your Divine Wholeness and Highest Masteries to usher in New Energies of leadership while being fully supported financially to create unique content, tools and technologies from your zone of brilliance.

Collapsing Time by building your Dream Team to reclaim 10-20+ hours each week to spend your way (day at the spa, travel to the beach, hike in the mountains, gardening, coffee date with your friend, reading a book).

BE-ing a Purpose Driven Millionaire who has Highest Level Influence, Discernment, Grace, and Love to lead the new way of BE-ing in business, all while enjoying Wealth... Joy... Freedom.

There has never been a better time to have more of what you want through the higher frequencies of awareness creating a life of JOY... FREEDOM... and ABUNDANCE.

About Connie

Alchemist, Coach, Mentor, Visionary & Founder of Purpose Driven Millionaire

I am a top rated award winning 7 figure CEO and Money Mentor that 6 figure entrepreneurs and business owners come to when they want to upgrade to a 7 figure income. They hire me for my ability to see the blind spots in their business that caps their income and advising them how to clearly build a 7 figure business.

Having built a 7+ figure business myself, I know how to align energy to receive and hold more money.

For more than a decade I have helped my clients through 1:1 mentoring and business coaching. My clients actualize more money not by working harder, doing more, or over giving, but by releasing money blocks and trauma.

My mission is to help as many entrepreneurs and business owners become Purpose Driven Millionaires where they gain the awareness that they can live a life of Wealth, Freedom & Joy. 

When I'm not serving my amazing clients, you can find me experiencing the culture and lifestyle of my new home in Portugal.


A 7 figure business is a symbiotic trilogy of Energetics, Strategy, and In-Bodiment where Wealth, Freedom, and Joy are experienced.


For over 25 years I have known in my heart that spiritual leadership and business leadership belong together, and even though I worked with both extensively, I once kept them separate in my life.

I would travel to many places to learn through schools, retreats, programs and spiritual mentors a variety of energetic modalities: energy healing; archetype readings; angel teachings; feng shui; manifestation processes; goddess training; ascended master teachings; crystal work; etc. They were and still are all deeply nourishing and re-source-full.

At the same time I hired real estate coaches, marketing specialists, technology experts, and expanded my real estate team with key people that were the best in their field. However, spiritual leadership and business leadership still remained separate in my life.

In 2020, I decided to embody my spiritual leadership and business leadership to be as one unified representation of me BE-ing my business. I let go of the “hustle and grind” mindset and became true to who I was. I held high standards and renewed my body.

I then experienced massive shifts both personally and in business as a real estate agent. I reclaimed 20+ hours per week, introduced my manifestation process for easy $50K-$100K months, aligned my authentic vibrational messaging to attract my highest level clients to work with me, reconnected with my intuitive gifts, and downloaded the 22 Millionaire Money Codes to align my frequency as a Purpose Driven Millionaire. I knew these codes were universal, so I "retired" from being a real estate professional in 2023, and now make it my mission to help others be financially sovereign.

“I have learned that when you connect with your Higher Self, Source, Universal Intelligence, Unity Consciousness, GOD, or the name you prefer, that embodies LOVE and TRUTH you are deeply fulfilled. You create an overflow of money, clients and impact effortlessly. With immense gratitude, this is where I am now.”

I just couldn’t imagine not sharing how I answered my higher calling in business with others. Where I uncovered and re-discovered my hidden masteries and multidimensional skill-sets. Where I decided to be on purpose as a Purpose Driven Millionaire.

BE-ing the business that 1000% supports me everyday to create the money, “perfect match” clients, and impact that I desire to transform lives.

And here’s the beautiful thing. You can have it too!

I am committed to helping leaders, entrepreneurs, lightworkers, professionals, and self-starters like you, who want to leap their unique and transformational business to 7-Figures and beyond…

By accessing the higher frequencies of multidimensional wealth to rewrite your money story and construct a new money blueprint.

By connecting to the higher frequencies of the cosmos to remember how fully potent you are and how your clients are rejuvenated by your unique light and harmonics.

By calibrating to the higher frequencies of Infinite Love and Source Consciousness to embody the new paradigm of BE-ing your business.

By illuminating those Highest Level Clients that come into contact with you and your business, forever changing lives, and raising the consciousness of our planet.

By sprinkling in a healthy measure of magic everyday to fully radiate your Signature Essence as a multidimensional being.

If you’re ready to uncover your hidden masteries that are “YOU-NIQUE” to you, then you are in the right place.

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Here is your personal invitation to:

  • Embark on a journey of discovering how Source Codes are your highest expression and true “calling card” in business.
  • Embody the 22 Millionaire Money Codes to catapult your business into 7-Figures through The 4 Pillars: Mission & Clarity; Alignment & Coherence; Expansion & Potency; and Vision & Attunement.
  • Commune with the Emerald Akashic Records and choreograph “first of its kind” masterpieces (courses, programs, masterminds, 1:1 mentorship, certifications, products, and services) for your business.
  • Energetically develop, hone, refine, and calibrate to your Highest Intuition with “The Clairs”: Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and Claircognizance and know you will never need to second guess your decisions in business.
  • Have fun learning ways (telepathic phone calls, guided meditations, energy attunements, crystals, incantations, amplified money statements, magic, and so much more) to exponentially expand your energy field and bring the Highest Vibration of your business forward to magnetize your Highest Level Clients to you.

Working together is experienced as “Harmonic Co-Creation” - our highest state of being.

We collaborate together (especially in the higher dimensions) to actualize the growth and results you desire.

We create WIN-WIN relationships and magnetize your Highest Level Clients to you and your business.

We co-exist and resonate as equals. This frequency bandwidth is not about being superior or inferior.

We calibrate to the higher vibration of coherence where you allow yourself to receive the material wealth you deserve.

We collectively attune to your Highest Mission and Highest Vision helping you scale to $50K-$100K months without resistance.

We commit to up-leveling our energy to BE-ing Purpose Driven Millionaires helping you create a 7-Figure Legacy Business.


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Fun facts about me:

I moved from Canada to Portugal in the fall of 2023 with my family.

I love the ocean and forest, especially waking up to the delightful chirping of birds.

I love sunshine and exploring nature through hiking around the beautiful landscape I now call home.

I love our 4 adorable cats: Violet, Dash, Max and Peach and yes they moved to Portugal with us!

I have an amazing collection of crystals. Some may call it an obsession!

I love talking about everything and anything mystical. I believe we are magicians.

I love flowers and gardening. My favorite flower is a Gladiolus with a close second being a Hydrangea.


If you trust our connection is aligned and wish to experience clarity and transformation in a possibility paradigm, let’s chat further.